The emulator feature is intended to help you to plan your website design and contents, so that your site can easily be viewed on a mobile phone (cell phone) or pocket computer.
So, all you need to do is view the emulator on your normal computer screen, to get an idea of how your website could look on a hand-held device.
Important Notes
? Please note that the emulator is not designed to give you an exact reproduction of how your site will appear on a phone or pocket computer.
? Therefore, the emulator is only intended to give you a helpful impression of how your site will be displayed on a small screen device.
? Certain features will work on your emulator, but might not work on your phone handset. For example, Flash Video will work on the emulator, but your phone might not be capable of displaying Flash Video.
? The usable screen area on your handset device can be reduced by the browser toolbar at the top and bottom of your browser interface.
? There can be additional trimming caused by scroll bars at the bottom and right side of the touch-screen active area.
? In summary, the emulator is intended to be fun and interactive, giving you a flavour of how your website will look on a range of phone handsets and hand-held computers.